This is a thank you to the ones who make us better..........
Dear (Fill in whomever makes you a better person),
Thank you so much for making me a a better person. Even though I hate the mirror that you show me everyday, I do appreciate it. I thank you for your honesty and dedication to our relationship. Sometimes it is so easy for people to walk away from the ties that bind the two, but you never let me. You never let me walk away because you show me that with any relationship there is work involved; that everything worth having takes hard work and determination to make sure it sustains. Life seems so quick these days, things can change in the blink of an eye, but you remind me that we can preserve what we have. Our relationship can change, but will develop like a nice glass of French wine. It's worth it and it will always stay that way. This dedication will never change as we get older. Thank you for making me the best I can be and them some! I only hope that I fill that same void you fill in me. We are partners in this game of life, and thank you for playing with me.
Yours Truly!
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