My legs are so sore right now! I walked yesterday with my luggage (a small bag) from the BART (San Fran's subway) to my aunt's house and today I walked to Trader Joe's to get some groceries. I love to walk to places you need to go or just to take a sightseeing walk. In my neighborhood in Orlando, people usually drive, but I love to see people walking or riding their bike occasionally. Sometimes I walk to Publix grocery store if I am only getting a few things. It is great exercise and plus you can save a little on gas. (Okay like .50 on gas, but hey it's something) When I lived in New York, I was always in shape because I walked everywhere. Women in New York have the greatest legs because all you do is walk, hike, and go up stairs; it's like a daily workout! When you walk to the grocery store or work it's great exercise because you don't realize you are exercising. In other cities where everyone drives, people bombard the gyms trying to lose excess weight. After my journey yesterday and today, I feel as though I don't need to go on the treadmill or my favorite, the elliptical machine for a week! I really think this country should invest more in public transportation and rail systems for basically every major city in each state, except cities like Boise, Idaho! Doing this would definitely tackle our issue about obesity and would save money on gas for everyone. Well, maybe that is just wishful thinking. If you live in a city that promotes walking be glad that you are able to exercise and stay fit without even realizing it. You will probably live a healthier and longer life!
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