What would we do in this world without friends? As I've gotten older I have learned to appreciate friends. Sometimes when we are so busy working and taking care of our business we might neglect our friends. I am not talking about just people that you speak to randomly such as associates. I am talking about great friends who you have known for a while and really know you for you! I was watching Entertainment Tonight yesterday and they had a clip of the Barbara Walters Special with Oprah Winfrey. She cried when Barbara asked about her relationship with Gayle King. By the way, I can't wait to watch the special this evening. She talked about how Gayle is such a great friend, mother, and sister that it brought her to tears. People may speculate her relationship with Gayle, but what is wrong with two people of the same sex being there for each other? A friendship can bring so much, it can bring comfort, happiness, and truth telling. We always need someone to tell us the truth. To tell us when we look crazy in those stretch pants when you are going to the club. Basically, it's nice to have someone you can really call your friend! To all the great friends out there, thank you!
What would we do in this world without friends? As I've gotten older I have learned to appreciate friends. Sometimes when we are so busy working and taking care of our business we might neglect our friends. I am not talking about just people that you speak to randomly such as associates. I am talking about great friends who you have known for a while and really know you for you! I was watching Entertainment Tonight yesterday and they had a clip of the Barbara Walters Special with Oprah Winfrey. She cried when Barbara asked about her relationship with Gayle King. By the way, I can't wait to watch the special this evening. She talked about how Gayle is such a great friend, mother, and sister that it brought her to tears. People may speculate her relationship with Gayle, but what is wrong with two people of the same sex being there for each other? A friendship can bring so much, it can bring comfort, happiness, and truth telling. We always need someone to tell us the truth. To tell us when we look crazy in those stretch pants when you are going to the club. Basically, it's nice to have someone you can really call your friend! To all the great friends out there, thank you!